Thursday, November 11, 2010

It Happens Every Day...

There are few sure things in life, but one sure thing is that every day, no matter what, the sun will rise and the sun will set.  It happens every day.  Sometimes they are boring and sometimes they are spectacular. 

Wednesday's sunrise was spectacular. 

I am not a fan of "fall back" daylight savings this time of year because I end up driving to work in the dark and driving home from work in the dark.  I'm a light person.  I like light.  But days like yesterday morning make up for some of those dark drives when I wake up to a sunrise like this one. 

Can you believe I actually had enough time in the morning to take some pictures before I left for work?

Probably because I've been going to bed at 9pm every night this week, so come morning...I have been bright eyed and bushy tailed. 

Granted I was still in my pajamas and standing on our deck. 

I played around with a few settings on my camera to take these pictures, but these are all straight out of the camera shots.  No post editing. 

I normally like using color saturation to edit photos, because I'm a color person.  I like color. But I didn't do a thing to these!  This was all Mother Nature.

I'm glad that at least once, I was awake enough to soak in one daily sunrise on a November weekday morning in Minnesota.  And even with a nice camera with fancy settings, it was still difficult to capture the grandeur of a beautiful sunrise.  But at least I tried.