She got tired of everyone calling her a peanut when she was born. "I'll show them!" she said. She is going to love me for this picture someday..
Here is a cuter one...
And one more...
And big brother doting on his sister. He adores her!
Look..she's already annoyed. "Get off of me!"
Okay, that is all for baby pictures for now. Onto business...
Those of you in MN know we got dumped on with snow over the weekend, so I snapped a few pictures yesterday of all the pretty snow covered trees.
The snow coverage is good for the vines as it will help protect them from any sub-zero temps we might get this winter! I'm still crossing my fingers for a mild winter like we had last year though!
Well...maybe not on the snow covered Adirondack chairs (which we forgot to put away before the snow--oops!), but in the spring, summer and fall, it is heaven!
My parents had a Christmas party last weekend and Aaron helped out by bar-tending. He brought some samples of the Marquette we have in barrels to give out for a taste. While it is still young and won't be bottled fully for several more months, we got a great initial response to it!
We also attempted a family photo that night...
Take 1:
Take 2:
Take 3:

Take 27: